With over 15 years experience as a holistic practitioner working across the UK, Australia and Europe, I have now opened up my home studio in Bristol for clients to visit. I provide full body treatments, combining ancient techniques of Indian Head Massage, Acupressure, Deep Tissue/Remedial massage using aromatherapy oils and zen music to enhance the full sensory healing experience.

After graduating in 2004 with a Bachelor of Arts in Film & Drama from Reading University, UK, Laura worked and travelled around Australia and Thailand for 2 years; during which time she realised her innate gift for massage, body work and fascination with Buddhist and Eastern philosophies.
After returning to the UK, Laura lived in London for 10 years; working as an on-site practitioner in corporate, public and private sectors within an extensive range of settings including exhibition shows, corporate events, office wellbeing days/team-building, music festivals, exclusive clubs and prestigious events such as Henley Regatta, Wimbledon Tennis Championships, Kew Gardens Jazz festival and the Royal Polo.
In 2009 Laura started training at Roehampton University, London as a Music Psychotherapist and completed a 3 year Masters before qualifying to work in acute psychiatry and severe autism.
For her research project Laura investigated psychosomatic illness, termed ‘Medically Unexplained Symptoms,’ where she explored the efficacy of music psychotherapy as a treatment for common widespread chronic illnesses and symptoms such as migraines, gastrointestinal problems, IBS, back pain, sciatica, depression, fibromyalgia and chronic pain.
From her research which highlighted the interrelationship between the mind and body, findings evidenced that chronic illness usually has a psychological root cause whereby destructive emotions; initially triggered by thought processes, are essentially chemicals/hormones produced by brain synapses which penetrate the body like a poison causing potential blockages that manifest illness, both psychologically and physiologically.
Such findings furthered Laura’s research into neuro-scientific theories and metaphysical concepts in terms of the profound impact that trauma, destructive emotions and negative energy can have on the body, whereby it not only alters the biochemical constructs of one's brain but can become stuck within stagnant layers on a deep cellular level causing harmful blockages and disease.
This newfound insight inspired Laura’s multi-disciplinary approach to infuse various ancient techniques of massage therapy to allow for a treatment that works deeply to stimulate and regulate the central nervous system, whilst negative energy and destructive emotion can be shifted and released from the mind and body.
Laura now resides in Bristol where she works from her home studio to give clients the best holistic healing experience, tailored to each individual’s specific needs.

"Laura has healing hands beyond anything you can imagine, a special gift that transports anyone in her care to another realm of relaxation and utter calm."
Acupressure is based on the same ideas and theories as acupuncture, but is non-invasive, using physical pressure on acupuncture points rather than needles. Acupressure predates acupuncture and can be traced back over 5000 years. The hands, fingers, elbows, thumbs and knuckles are used in stimulating the body's system of 12 meridians to rebalance yin and yang. It also works on a deep cellular level and is powerfully effective in shifting and releasing stagnant chi energy, destructive emotion and toxins from the body, which if left untreated can manifest all kinds of disease and illness.
Deep Tissue Massage focuses on realigning layers of muscle of tissue structures of the fascia, also called connective tissue. It is an intense and more focused type of massage, as the therapist works deeply to release chronic muscle tension or knots, relieving contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness and sore shoulders, whilst increasing circulation and blood flow to oxygenate the body and help eliminate the build up of lactic acid.
Indian Head Massage is an ancient form of massage for head, shoulders, face and back. This technique is widely used for relieving tension and stress and has other benefits, such as encouraging the body to employ vitamins and minerals in keeping the scalp and hair healthy, as well as increasing concentration and energy levels.
Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese massage using finger pressure on the body's meridians lines and pressure points to encourage the natural flow of 'Ki' or 'vital energy' throughout the body.